REPORT: Trump telling dinner guests he plans to run in 2024

The Rolling Stone reported that President Donald Trump is telling his dinner guests that he intends to run for President in 2024.

According to the left-wing publication, President Donald Trump has informed at least three people he’s met with in recent months that he intends on running in 2024.

An ex-R.N.C. official claimed to have three friends, “who’ve had dinner with him (Trump) in the last couple of months. All three reported that his current plans are to run for president in 2024, Now, whether he does or not is a different issue. We’ve still got three years to go. But he’s telling people that.”

The former RNC official who remained anonymous to readers claims the dinner meetings with former President Trump ranged a time-span of 3+ months.

A spokeswoman for Trump did not respond to requests for comment from the leftist Rolling Stone Magazine known for trashing conservatives.

Given the source, it’s hard to know the truth behind the legitimacy of the Rolling Stones’ reporting — especially given they’re source is anonymous.

Regardless of whether the reports are accurate, leftists used the story as an opportunity to announce their continued disdain for the incredibly effective 45th President of the United States.

Conservatives on social media rejoiced to the announcement in hopes President Trump can take back the White House in 2024 and lead the America First movement back into action.

Do you think President Trump is going to run again in 2024? Would you vote for him? Comment your thoughts below!


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