Pelosi: ‘As a Devout Catholic’ Kids Were Great for Me, ‘Poor Women’ Need Abortions

Far-left Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that while she was “blessed” to have five (5) children “as a devout Catholic,” “poor women” need taxpayer funded abortion.

“As a devout Catholic and mother of five and six years, I feel that God bless my husband and me with our beautiful family, five children in six years almost to the day,” Pelosi said.

She added: “But it’s not up to me to dictate that that’s what other people should and it is an issue of fairness and justice for poor women in our country.”

Pelosi stated:

“It’s an issue of health of many women in America, especially those in lower income situations, and different states, and it is something that has been a priority for many of us a long time.”

“As a devout Catholic and mother of five in six years, I feel that God blessed my husband and me with our beautiful family, five children in six years almost to the day.”

“But it’s not up to me to dictate that that’s what other people should and it is an issue of fairness and justice for poor women in our country.”

Pelosi’s archbishop, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, reportedly said that he’s had “conversations” with Pelosi about abstaining from receiving Holy Communion at mass due to her pro-abortion beliefs.

The American Life League blasted Pelosi pointing out that, “nowhere in the Gospel does Christ teach that charity for the poor includes killing their children.”

Do you think Speaker Pelosi is a ‘devout Catholic?’ Should Pelosi refrain from using her religion to advance her political agenda? Comment your thoughts below!


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