Gun Purchases Set A New Record With January 2021 Sales

According to Small Arms Analytics and Forecasting (SAAF), gun stores sold 2.2 million firearms in February, shattering the record for the most firearms sold in the first month of the year.

Although gun sales tend to rise during times of chaos and uncertainty, another typical trend is the increase of guns sold after a Democratic candidate is elected to office. This year, gun sales experienced a 79 percent year over year increase. When Obama was first elected, that number was above 100 percent.

“They’re going to act while they can to be able to buy what they want,” said Mark Olivia, the spokesman for the National Shooting Sports Federation. “It can’t be discounted that many of these background checks for the purchase of a firearm are attributed to threats by the Biden administration to enact the most radical and far-reaching gun control agenda ever proposed.”

According to the SAAF gun purchases are up one million from last year and the FBI has conducted over 4.3 million background checks just this year alone.

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