Republican Senator Pushes for Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Florida Republican Senator Rick Scott wants to help reward illegal immigrants who have flooded our southern border.

President Joe Biden’s lax immigration policies have encouraged a flood of new illegal immigrants. Now, Republican Senator Rick Scott wants to reward illegal immigrants with citizenship.

The Florida Senator “is circulating a plan that would provide amnesty to potentially millions of illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program,” according to Breitbart.

Citizenship would be granted to people who have been here since 2012, but it’s very likely that the program would continue to expand. Also, when the U.S. starts granting amnesty, other illegal immigrants will start to come here with the idea that eventually the U.S. will give them citizenship.

“The plan would put millions of illegal aliens on a pathway to citizenship in exchange for billions of dollars for a "Border wall system,’” Ryan Girdusky said.

Scott’s proposal would also increase funding for border patrol and building the wall on the Southern border. However, this has been promised many times in immigration reforms, but amnesty always happens while border security rarely does.

Furthermore, Biden has shown many times that he has no interest in securing the Southern border. He has worked hard to stop the continued construction and securing of the border with Mexico.

However, the illegal immigration amnesty plan will likely face pushback from conservative Senators and Representatives.

“Amnesty is not happening on my watch,” Colorado Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert tweeted on March 17. “There is no compromise happening.”

Furthermore, encouraging illegal immigration would severely strain our country, due to their massive exploitation of our welfare system. Even legal immigrants live on the public dole at higher rates than households led by native-born citizens.

“The overwhelming majority of illegal immigrants have modest levels of education; therefore, the high use of welfare associated with less-educated legal immigrants indicates that legalization would likely increase welfare costs, particularly for cash and housing programs,” the Center for Immigration Studies found in a 2015 report.

Charlie Kirk, CEO of Turning Point USA, blasted the rumored amnesty deal.

“Republicans under no circumstances should cut an amnesty deal with the Democrats,” Kirk said recently on Twitter.

“Senator Rick Scott should back off immediately,” Kirk said. “No deal. No amnesty. Period.”

Should Rick Scott stop pushing for amnesty? Do you think Republicans should cave to the immigrant lobby? Tell us below!


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