REPORT: Kids Used in Kamala Harris Space Show Are Child Actors

VP Harris heads the National Space Council, which appears to have taken up more of her attention than the flood of illegal migrants entering our country and skyrocketing inflation.

A recent YouTube video promoting Vice President Kamala Harris and space exploration used child actors, according to the New York Post.

The news publication reported:

A video meant to sell children on the wonders of space exploration featured Vice President Kamala Harris giving a memorably loopy performance alongside a quintet of child actors who auditioned for their roles, it was revealed Monday.

“Trevor Bernardino, a 13-year-old actor from Carmel, California, and one of five teenagers featured in the video, was asked to submit a monologue discussing something he is passionate about and three questions for a world leader, according to an interview with KSBW TV. Trevor then interviewed with the production director,” the Washington Examiner reported.

Do you think VP Harris should focus on more pressing issues than making YouTube videos? Do you think Trump would beat her and Biden in 2024? Let us know below!


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