POLL: Majority of Trump voters now favor seceding, as Biden divides

Could President Joe Biden’s divisive language be dividing the country even further?

President Joe Biden promised to unite the country, but all he has done is continue to divide Americans while pushing his far-left agenda.

That’s showing up in polls now.

Mediaite reports:

A shocking new poll from the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia reveals that over half of Trump voters surveyed, and 41% of Biden voters, are in favor of blue and/or red states seceding from the union. Yeah, it’s gotten that bad.

“Majorities — often large majorities — of both Biden and Trump voters express some form of distrust for voters, elected officials, and media sources they associate with the other side. A strong majority of Trump voters see no real difference between Democrats and socialists, and a majority of Biden voters at least somewhat agree that there is no real difference between Republicans and fascists,” the report also found.

As President Biden continues to demonize Americans, it’s no wonder that his leftist base has a bitterness toward Republicans and conservatives feel like they are not welcome in their own country.

Do you think Biden needs to tone down his rhetoric? Has he let “The Squad” divide America? Share your ideas below!


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