JP Morgan Chase freezes donations to Republicans who contested 2020 Election

The big bank, which committed a number of legal violations during the financial meltdown in 2007, said it will halt donations to Republicans who objected to the certification of Electoral College votes.

Megabank JP Morgan Chase is now apparently going to set the ethical standards for the country. It’s an ironic move for a company that agreed to a $13 billion settlement for its mortgage lending practices.

“JPMorgan Chase & Co says it will restart making political contributions to lawmakers except to congressional Republicans who objected to the certification of President Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election,” Breitbart reported, based on a Reuters article.

The move is a bit funny -- the Democrats are now officially the party of big banks and mega-corporations. Meanwhile, Republicans are being criticized by Chase for simply asking for a further discussion and investigation into some election improprieties.

“I never said that the goal was to overturn the election,” Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley previously said. “What we need to have are elections that are fair, free and open, and I think Congress needs to do its job and look into election irregularities.”

Meanwhile, Republicans continue to grow in popularity among blue-collar and Middle Americans. As Democrats team up with big corporations to push the LGBT agenda, Black Lives Matter and climate change, Republicans continue to represent small business owners and people who keep America running.

Do you support election integrity? Do you stand with Josh Hawley? Share your thoughts below!

Photo Credit: Alexander Mills/Pexel


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