Hunter Biden’s ex-wife publishing tell-all book about his drug abuse and cheating

The mainstream media and Big Tech has sought to downplay the truth about the President’s son — will they ignore this too?

Hunter Biden’s ex-wife is publishing a memoir about the disgraceful actions of the Ukrainian natural gas “expert” turned “artist.”

“Hunter Biden’s ex-wife plans to break her silence about how his cheating and substance abuse destroyed their marriage in a new memoir that’s set for release during the lead-up to November’s critical midterm elections,” the New York Post reported.

“Anyone who has seen addiction ruin a relationship, or been through infidelity and divorce, can tell you how devastating it feels,” Kathleen Buhle told People magazine.

“The book, due out June 14, will be the first time Hunter's ex-wife has made any public comment about their divorce or its aftermath, though some of their split did play out in the courts,” People reported. “Buhle and Hunter married in 1993, splitting after some 24 years of marriage. They share three daughters: Naomi, Finnegan, and Maisy.”

Hunter has also drawn a lot of criticism from inappropriate contents found on a controversial laptop that is reported to be Hunter Biden’s.

Hunter also reportedly has a daughter with a stripper, though the president has repeatedly refused to acknowledge her.

Will you buy this book? Do you think there needs to be a third-party audit of Hunter Biden’s business dealings and Joe’s involvement? Let us know below!


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