Border Patrol Catches Sex Offenders & Gang Members Trying to Cross the Border

Sex offenders are taking advantage of lax immigration policies to try to come to the country.

President Joe Biden has encouraged a surge of illegal immigration in the past few months, as illegal immigrants are being told through Biden’s messaging to come to the border. Once here, the administration will make sure they sign up for welfare, free healthcare and are allowed to roam the country with minimal oversight.

Some of those illegal immigrants are sex offenders.

“More than 850 criminals have been encountered at the U.S. border with Mexico this year, including 92 sex offenders and 63 gang members, a U.S. Border Patrol agent tweeted this weekend,” Center Square reported.

“Within the copious amounts of groups being encountered in #RGV [Rio Grande Valley], a Salvadoran man with a prior conviction for murder was discovered. FYTD RGV agents have arrested over 861 criminal aliens, to include 63 gang members and 92 sex offenders,” chief border patrol officer Brian Hastings tweeted on March 27.

“Hastings said that so far in 2021, more than 18,000 unaccompanied minors have been encountered by agents at the border,” Center Square reported. “Prior to March 23, over 16,500 of them were in the custody of either Customs and Border Protection or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.”

Some members were also criminal gang members.

“Illegal immigrants suspected of crimes ranging from rape and murder to gang affiliation have been arrested in the Rio Grande Valley sector of Texas, according to Customs and Border Protection officials,” the Daily Caller reported.

Should gang members be allowed into this country? Should sex offenders be allowed to stay here? Tell us below!


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