Too Little, Too Late: Conan O’Brien and Sean Penn denounce cancel culture

The Hollywood celebrities traditionally known for their leftist beliefs finally came out and said we should not be punishing people for something done years ago.

Conan O’Brien and Sean Penn said that cancel culture is out of control during a recent episode of the “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.”

“Empathy is a very important word and also forgiveness,” O’Brien said recently. “We found that someone did something in 1979 that is now not appropriate. They’re dead to us...People can also be forgiven. If they even need forgiving. What happened to that?”

“Penn agreed with O’Brien, calling the practice ‘ludicrous,’” the Daily Wire reported.

The pair also talked about how politics has ruined late-night television. O’Brien was one of the last late-night comedians that focused on humor and not trying to push a left-wing agenda. 

“I know people in comedy, people who do the job that I do that feel like there’s so much that’s happening that doesn’t feel funny that they feel like it’s their job to speak out about those things,” O’Brien said. “And I think, yes that’s great but it’s easy for that to just turn into anger and outrage, and then you’re not, you feel like you’re losing your way as a comedian. And I think that’s what gets so tricky right now.”

Do you think they are right? Will late-night comedy ever be funny again? Share your thoughts below!


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