Pakistani Actress with 1.2 Million Twitter Followers Tweets Out Hitler Quote Praising Killing Jews

Actress Veena Malik appeared to praise Hitler and killing Jews in recently deleted social media comments.

“Actress Veena Malik — sometimes known as Zahida Malik — raised eyebrows after she tweeted a quote she attributed to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, which referenced killing Jews across the world,” The Blaze reported.

"I would have killed all the Jews of the world…but I kept some to show the world why I killed them,” Malik tweeted.

“According to her website, the actress also claims that she has has been an ambassador for a number of United Nations programs, the Red Cross, Shaukat Khanum Cancer hospital, and recently spearheaded a breast cancer awareness campaign,” The Post Millenial reported.

The tweets come as Palestinian terrorists continue to attack Israel.

“Gaza's Hamas rulers and other militant groups have fired barrages of hundreds of rockets that at times have overwhelmed Israel's missile defenses,” CBS News reported. 

The violent attacks are “causing air raid sirens and explosions to echo across Tel Aviv, Israel's biggest metropolitan area, and other cities.”

Should Malik apologize? Do you support Israel? Should Twitter have suspended the actress? Share your comments below!

Photo credit: HUM Entertainment/YouTube


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