Ohio School Board Association President Resigns After Disagreeing with Critical Race Theory

Scott Huddle, a member of the Mad River school board near Dayton, resigned from his position as President of the Ohio School Boards Association following his comments denying “systemic racism.”

Huddle made the comments after a racism and diversity-themed school newsletter was circulated, he compared the content to critical race theory and called it “reverse race discrimination.”

The Dayton Daily News reported that Huddle also stated that there was no evidence systemic racism exists and that America is not a racist country today.

Somehow this is a controversial statement in today’s woke society.

“We tried to get better with that and change that. It’s not perfect. No one’s saying that it is,” Huddle said “But to take the other side of that and say no matter what you do, no matter what you say, no matter what you think, because you have less melanin in your skin you are a racist and you can’t do anything to change it.”

Ohio’s popular State Representative Mike Loychik weighed in with a statement of support for Huddle on Twitter blasting critical race theory as “poisonous propaganda.”

Huddle issued an apology in an apparent cave to left-wing cancel culture with his resignation stating,

“I obviously realize that my comments touched on some extremely sensitive issues and I want to be able to have a dialogue and I want to listen to what other people have to say.”

Do you think Scott Huddle should have resigned for questioning systemic racism? Should critical race theory be banned? Did Huddle cave to the radical left? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


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