CAIR Demands Biden ‘Defund’ Counterterror Program

The Controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is urging Joe Biden to “oppose and defund” a Homeland Security program designed to prevent terrorism.

CAIR released its 100 day agenda for the Biden Administration calling to defund programs and soften stances on extremism.

The Office for Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention aims to defend against all types of terror groups according to the DHS.

The document’s demands include the following:

  • Eliminate the Terrorist Screening Database, a terror watchlist, as "unconstitutional."

  • It demands the FBI stop using informants "to spy on American Muslim communities."

  • It asks Biden to reject "any new domestic terrorism statutes"

  • It demands the closing Guantanamo Bay

  • Asks for the rollback drone warfare and to "oppose Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories."

You can read/view the full document here.

The controversial President of CAIR, Nihad Awad, released the following statement,

"CAIR believes that the Biden-Harris administration presents our nation with an opportunity not only to undo the damage caused by prior administrations – including policies and programs that led to the discriminatory profiling and targeting of American Muslims by state and federal law enforcement – but to adopt new initiatives that protect and respect the rights of everyone in our nation, including American Muslims,"

CAIR describes itself as "America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization."

Several major conservative organizations believe CAIR is an organization with a deeply troubling past.

In November 2014, CAIR was designated a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates.


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